Steven Harris Presents...
Before The Storm Hits:
Free, Proven, Easy Family Preparedness

During the 1990's I was an R&D Engineer for Chrysler Corporation.  What I called my "charity work" during this time was working for the protection of the American Public from disaster.  All types, natural and man made and I worked closely with the wonderful organization Doctors For Disaster Preparedness.   It is through this organization and my work with Jane Orient, Art Robinson, Cresson Kearny, Edwin York, Sharon Packer, Paul Seyfried, Jim Phillips, Jon Hoyle and many others that we evolved, tested and implemented a lot of what you will hear on this site.   I was deep into the Home Land Security and Civil Defense field for about 10+ years but the above people are the legends of the field who spent much of their life in the protection of human life.  I am a but a little person standing on the shoulders of these giants.   I tell you this in these simple lines not for self promotion but because I want you to understand the depth of the knowledge that is behind the snippets and the presentation that you will listen to or watchThe knowledge I present here came from some of the most intelligent people this country ever had and they spent most of their entire professional life developing these methods to protect you from things you've never heard about and hopefully will.  The skills I present are basic, simple, unforgettable and will serve you well in the majority of disasters you will face in your life.

Steven Harris is currently the Founder and CEO of the largest 'alternative energy' publishing company in the USA with over 70 Books and DVDs on Solar Energy, Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, Biomass, Alcohol and More...and its all Hands On.  see

Yes, I'm Happy to do Radio Interviews for areas of Hurricane Threat.  Just email me.  It will make a BIG difference to the listeners.  
Email  support (at) KnowledgePublications (dot) com and we'll get you taken care of.

Where ever you go on our many different sites, you'll probably see this Banner someplace.   This is our main parent Corporate Identity.

KP Stands for Knowledge Publications Corporation.  Our parent Company.  Thus the domain name BUT that name is sort of L O N G and hard to put on pencils, erasers, widgets, and website banners.   So we have a shorter domain name we use which is which stands for United States Hydrogen (H2)

Knowledge Publications has been in business since 2006 providing quality books and DVDs on the subjects of Solar, Hydrogen, Fuel Cells, Alcohol Fuel, Biomass Gasification and about anything you want to know about Hands On DIY Home Energy and Power.  Steven Harris is a professional development engineer in this field and has selected and published almost ALL of the books and is the author of ALL of the Hydrogen DVDs that we sell.  With 55 Books and 6 DVDs you cannot find more information on the subject in any one place on the web anywhere else.

Contact information:  email  support (at) KnowledgePublications (dot) com.   Obviously replace the (at) with a @ and the (dot) with a .  We just do this to avoid spam.



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